I can become familiar with factors and multiples.
* 4.OA.B.4 I can find all factor pairs for a whole number from 1 to 100.
* 4.OA.B.4 I can recognize a whole number as a multiple of each of its factors.3.OA.C.7 I can multiply and divide within 100 easily and quickly because I know how multiplication and division are related.
* 4.OA.B.4 I can determine whether a whole number from 1 to 100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number.
* 4.OA.B.4 I can determine whether a given whole number up to 100 is a prime or composite number.

I can use the four operations (+, -, x, ÷) to help me solve problems.
*4.OA.A.1 I can understand that multiplication equations can be seen as comparisons of groups (e.g., 24 = 4 x 6 can be thought of as 4 groups of 6 or 6 groups of 4). 

***3.OA.B.5 I can use the Commutative property of multiplication. (I know that if 6 x 4 = 24, then 4 x 6 = 24.)

*4.OA.A.2 I can multiply or divide to solve word problems by using drawings or writing equations and solving for a missing number.

I can use the four operations (+, -, x, ÷) to help me solve problems.
* 4.OA.A.3 I can determine how reasonable my answers to word problems are by using estimation, mental math and rounding.

I can create and analyze patterns.
* 4.OA.C.5 I can create a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule.
* 4.OA.C.5 I can notice and point out different features of a pattern once it is created by a rule.