* W.4.2 I can write to inform/explain topics or ideas to others clearly.
* W.4.2.A I can write an informative text that introduces my topic and then groups related information together in paragraphs or sections.
* W.4.2.A I can include special formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations and multimedia in my writing to help others
understand my topic better.
* W.4.2.B I can develop a topic using facts, definitions, details, quotations or other information and examples.
* W.4.2.C I can connect related ideas using words and phrases (e.g., another, for example, also, because).
* W.4.2.D I can use precise wording and specific vocabulary to teach others about a topic.
* W.4.2.E I can write a conclusion (ending) that is related to the information or explanation I present.

*W.4.10 I can write with stamina for short time frames or over a longer period of time depending on my purpose, audience and topic.

* W.4.8 I can recall what I have learned or find new information from books or technology to help me with my research.
* W.4.8 I can take notes to help me organize the research in my writing.
*W.4.8 I can provide a list of sources that I used for gathering information for my writing.

* W.4.5 I can plan, revise and edit my writing with the help of peers and adults.

I can improve my writing and publish it for others to read.
* W.4.4 I can produce clear and organized writing.
* W.4.4 I can produce writing that is appropriate for my purpose, audience and task.

* W.4.3 I can write stories with good technique, detailed descriptions and a clear sequence.
* W.4.3.A I can provide an introduction in my stories that creates a situation, introduces a narrator & characters and organizes a plot that unfolds naturally.
* W.4.3.B I can use dialog and description to develop experiences and events or to show how the characters respond to different situations in the story.
* W.4.3.C I can use different types of transitional words and phrases to help with the sequence of my story.
* W.4.3.D I can use very specific words and phrases, as well as sensory details, to express experiences and events.
* W.4.3.E I can write a conclusion (ending) that makes sense with the experiences and events I shared in my story..

* W.4.6 I can use technology to create and publish my writing.
* W.4.6 I can use technology to communicate and collaborate with others.
* W.4.6 I can use appropriate keyboarding skills to type at least one page of my writing in a single sitting.

I can use research to learn more about a topic and present it to others.
* W.4.7 I can conduct short research projects to help me learn about topics through investigation.

*W.4.9 I can gather evidence from fiction or informational text to support my investigation, thinking and research.
*W.4.9.A I can apply all that I have learned in 4th grade reading to writing literature texts.
*W.4.9.B I can apply all that I have learned in 4th grade reading to writing informational texts.

I can write different types of writing for different reasons.
* W.4.1 I can write to share my opinion on topics or texts and provide reasons and information to support that opinion.
* W.4.1.A I can write my opinion in an organized way that introduces my topic clearly, states my opinion, and groups related ideas together.
* W.4.1.B I can give reasons that are supported by facts and details when writing my opinion.
* W.4.1.C I can connect my opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition).
* W.4.1.D I can write a conclusion (ending) that is related to the opinion I present.